Contact UsTo better serve you, please use the appropriate contact method (detailed below) when submitting or requesting information.
U.C. Review Commission
P.O. Box 182299
Columbus, OH 43218-2299
Mail us to:
- request subpoenas (limit 3)
- submit documents
- appeal a Hearing Officer decision (Request for Review)
- request a hard copy of your file (enclose a check or Money Order to ODJFS for $5.85)
PHONE: Toll Free 1-866-833-UCRC (8272)
NOTE: When using our automated telephone system use the following sequence.
- Press 1 for English
- Press 2 for Spanish
Phone us to:
- request accommodations for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Hearing-Impaired Customers that include interpreting or teletypewriting (TTY) services
- reschedule a hearing
- request subpoenas (limit 3)
- get general information and for case specific questions
FAX: 1-614-387-3694
Fax us to:
- request subpoenas (limit 3)
- submit documents
- appeal a Hearing Officer decision (Request for Review)